Thursday, December 20, 2007

Exam #5

Stalin and Mao were comparible in way in how they came into power.Even though stalin didn't diserve his power Mao earned all of his power. They thought that it is the way that they acted. Stalin didnt do anything. So that is what makes them comparible.
Mao and Hitler were nothing alike hitler was much different then Mao was. Hitler just signed a paper to get his power. Mao actually deserved his power. Hitler was cruel to almost all. He was also mean to jews and liked people with blonde hair and blue eyes. So that is what makes them different.
Anytime they try to do a dictator it attends to fail. Only because to much power is not good for anyone. If anyone now got that power they would fail because they would make the world worse. I know that if i got it my voice would be heard and it would change. Thats why no one with should get that much power.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Exam #4 part 2

World War 2

That the jews had a whole bunch of laws and they had to do what they were told to do. They usually took the jews to the concentration camp.
By killing the jews and any one with blonde hair and blue eyes in power to. He liked people with blonde hair and blue eyes.
They were all afriad of him scared that they might get the gas chamber to just like the jews did that were sick.

Exam #4 part 1

Russian Revolution

In the russian revoulution even the serfs were freeded. The life barely came above the starvation level.The french suffered from an economic crisis.
The russian had leadership rolls but not like the french.
That they both had it rough but hey both came through with it.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Project Proposal

Topic: Local History

Angle: Old Middle School in Hartland

Medium: BLog Essay

Friday, October 19, 2007

Exam 2.

The Colombian Exchange transformed the world in a more radical (favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues)way than any other development in world history. One significant effect of this process(a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner: the process of decay) was the establishment of the Triangle Trade. While many factors were a part of the Triangle Trade, the rapid growth in both supply and demand for new commodities was the largest motivating element. This time period may be best associated (to unite; combine: coal associated with shale)with economic developments, but it is impossible to analyze (to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc) this period without considering the intense social impact that the Triangle Trade had on those involved. In truth, a full understanding can only be gained by appreciating (to be grateful or thankful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness) how economic and social factors (Mathematics One of two or more quantities that divides a given quantity without a remainder. For example, 2 and 3 are factors of 6) impact each other in history.

The colombian exchange, a culture that made the world more a understanding way than any other thing has done in history. One important effect of the process was the triangle trade, trade between the New World, Europe, and Africa . While there were many factors part of the triangle trade, the rapid growth between supply and demand the the new commodities was the largest energetic elemet. This time period may be the best association with the economic developments. There is no way to examine this period with out considering the social impact had on those that were involved with the triangle trade. In truth a full understanding can only be gained by being thankful for how the economic and social factors impact each other in history.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Taking Liberty

By: Ann Rinaldi

The book Taking Liberty by Ann Rinaldi is about an eight year old girl named Oney Judge whose life long dream was to work for Lady Washington. The theme would be “If you want something bad enough go for it”. She lived out near the Washington's with her mama, her aunt Myrtilla and Charlotte, there are also more slaves that live in that small house to. She also liked trying to help out in the kitchen with the cook. She also liked to try to read when she got a chance because black kids weren't allowed to go to school with the white kids. She went to school with the poor white kids and the black kids that could afford it. Oney was one of the children that were able to go to Mrs. Washington’s and she read them a piece out of the bible.

Every Sunday morning her mama was able to go up to a small town and have a little store it was a place where slaves were able to go to. Her mama made aprons out of scraps and made her own brooms to sell. This time when they got there though there was a dress another women had that Oney's mother wanted so she took brooms and got the dress but what she didn't know is that the dress was already stolen then when soldiers found out they came to give her mama a licking. After a while her mother just stopped talking to her it was about a year maybe two. Anytime Oney went to talk to her mother her mother just started slapping her.

A couple days after that happened some British men came over while Mr. Washington and Mrs. Washington were away and asked any slave that if they want to be free then they should go over to America with them. Only six or seven people went including Oneys mother. After that happened Oney was really upset until Mrs. Washington told her that she needed a new maid because her maid was going to die because she was about seventy eight years old. She went everywhere with Lady Washington she was her special girl. After awhile they had news that some of the slaves that ran off with the British got the pox and were hiding in the woods. The British were looking for them because they wanted to shoot them so they wouldn't spread the pox. Oney was really upset because she was scared that her mother was one of them. So a couple of months have passed and

Oney thought that every thing was going ok until someone said that one of the people that have the pox was her mother, and that Mr. Washington was sending for all the slaves that he could get back like Oney's mother. Once her mother was back Oney had to go and see her but if Mrs. Washington found out she went over there she would not let Oney go with her any more. When she went to see her mother she was still mad at Oney for what she did. Her mother didn’t want her to look at her because she was not as pretty any more because of the pox. They were all over her face, arms and legs. Oney said that she was sorry but all what her mother had to say was to get out. After awhile she became a nice young lady because of Mrs. Washington. Then Oney was happy and a lady who worked for Lady Washington for a long time.

Katrina Tarr

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Essay for Test

This picture describes a war and victory. Thereshouse in the back with smoke coming out of it. It explains the British winning flags going through the air. People on the ground dieing. There's another flag up back that is all red and another one up front that is red, white and blue. There are people up back fighting. The house up back is burning down.

This picture describes war, deaths and fires. There are horses in the picture with men on them fighting. There are houses burning down up back lots of dead bodies. There is a British flag through all the smoke. There are lots of people on the ground crawling for help. There is another flag up in the back by some burning houses.

This picture describes fighting, fires and war. There is a castle that is burning down. People are dieing and there are lots of guns going off. Looks like explosions going off in the back behind the castle. Parts of the castle are falling apart. There are people digging into the ground.
All three pictures have wars going on. Houses burning down and people dieing. There is also victory houses falling down. Also they have that the picture is based on the french revolution. All the pictures also have no women in them there are just men inside them. Most of them are to do with the British and another army that wears red coats. That is basically what they all have in common.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Child Slavery in Asia

Child Slavery in Asia is mostly from kidnappings. They received no pay and constant beatings. An agent arrives at the village with care for the parents. He brings two new dresses for the mother and a cow for the father that was usually sick and died in a couple of months. It was all a scam to get the children to work for labor. The children had to live in a den or a small shed. Most of the kids were beaten with sticks and iron rods. They were not allowed to see there parents. The kids that they usually had were (branded red hot irons, burnt with cigarettes, starved, whipped, beaten while hanging upside down, chained up, abused in an intimate way, and kept locked in cupboards for days on end.) According to there is a child named Shankar with his experience,
This picture here came from

“We were poked with burning cigarettes on the back and legs. If we cried
our mothers we were locked in a room without air or enough light. We
forced to work for 20 hours a day without pay. We were kept half fed
beaten up severely by our masters if we were found talking or laughing among
ourselves. One night I jumped into the nearby River Ganges to kill myself
to escape from this painful life. We were never allowed to go back to our
parents, to our villages.”

This picture came from

Allot of the sweat shops have widows and doors barred up so they wouldn't escape. When the parent does not hear anything from there child, that parent might go and see what is going on at the agency but what they find out is it does not exist. If the parent does find them the master will tell them “I paid for his food and medicine” and they can't leave and they were sent on there way. One child was beaten cause he scratched his skin, he was also beat cause his father came to get him to take him home. He has not had a single day off or got any wages.

Ashok, 8 years old worked a twenty one hour day from three a.m to midnight in a
carpet factory in India.

“I was not allowed to meet my parents for the 7 years
that I worked, though
I would often ask for permission. The only response
was more beatings”.

This picture came from

Dilip, India
“Two of my friends were killed. They were wrapped in jute bags,
which were tied to heavy stones and thrown in the river"
— Dilip, India
These children are the face of the slavery today.

How many hours will they work today?

This picture came from

In Asia there are one million children in slavery that you rearely hear american press talk about. Child slavery

All of this information came from

Basically what they were trying to tell us is that child slavery is horrible. Lots of parents lose there kids and were never allowed to see them again. Some parents didnt even know if there child was treated well or if they were alive or dead. Then there was those other parents who just lost hope in ever seing there child again. Child Slavery. My own thoughts.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Project Proposal

Topic: Global Slavery

Angle: Child Slavery in Asia

Medium: Blog Essay

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm in the 10th grade and this is my second day of history class and it is ok. I like how some of the grades will count for two classes. It is going to better that everything will get typed in this class to it is easier than writing.