Friday, November 30, 2007

Exam #4 part 2

World War 2

That the jews had a whole bunch of laws and they had to do what they were told to do. They usually took the jews to the concentration camp.
By killing the jews and any one with blonde hair and blue eyes in power to. He liked people with blonde hair and blue eyes.
They were all afriad of him scared that they might get the gas chamber to just like the jews did that were sick.

Exam #4 part 1

Russian Revolution

In the russian revoulution even the serfs were freeded. The life barely came above the starvation level.The french suffered from an economic crisis.
The russian had leadership rolls but not like the french.
That they both had it rough but hey both came through with it.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Project Proposal

Topic: Local History

Angle: Old Middle School in Hartland

Medium: BLog Essay